로그인 회원가입

out-of-body experience

"out-of-body experience" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 유체이탈


  • Only about the out-of-body experience, right?
    알고 있어요 알고 있으면서 자넨 계속 말했던 건가?
  • Will you comment on the boy who had out-of-body experience?
    유체이탈을 한 소년의 코멘트를 듣고 싶은 것 뿐이에요 그럼 이쯤에서 실례하겠습니다
  • If out-of-body experience is a lie, then Kurita - is the perpetrator.
    유체이탈은 거짓말이었어 그럼 역시 쿠리타가 범인이군
  • Like I had some kind of out-of-body experience, but
    유체이탈이라도 한 것 같아
  • The out-of-body experience - can't prove the suspect's alibi.
    피의자의 알리바이는 증명되지 않아요
  • Saw a car while he was having an out-of-body experience?
    유체이탈을 해서 자동차를 봤다니
  • In other words, - an out-of-body experience?
    즉 유체이탈? 갈(ガ)
  • Wait, was your out-of-body experience a lie?
    잠깐... 유체이탈은 거짓말이었니?
  • I won't be convinced - to accept such a groundless theory - as out-of-body experience to explain the incomprehensible phenomenon.
    난 이해할 수 없는 현상을 유체이탈 따위라고 하는 엉터리 같은 이유로는 도저히 납득할 수 없습니다

영어 뜻

  • the dissociative experience of observing yourself from an external perspective as though your mind or soul had left and was observing your body

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